Arthur C. Houts, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
867 Washington Streets
Raleigh, NC 27605
(901) 289-4611
Don't let illness stop you from getting on wth life. Don't let illness stop you from getting on wth life.

Adult Practice

My Approach to Helping Adults

Over the past 50 years, psychological treatments have been evaluated using high scientific standards. I start with evidence based procedures. With 30 years experience, I then apply the scientific starting point to the individual life. I want to build a trusting supportive relationship through careful listening, concrete instructions, and finding together what works. The point of therapy is for the person to feel better and to get on with life – without the therapist.

Coping with Cancer

For the past 12 years, I have worked extensively with adult cancer patients to help them recover emotionally, to help them adapt to new limitations, and even to help them live in the face of death. I start with evidence based procedures to address problems such as: mood control, fatigue, worry, sleep problems, sexual performance, pain, relationship changes, and child rearing.


My approach to depression is to get the person engaged and moving. That means doing things in spite of feeling bad and also getting more physically active. The goal is to regain control and to make the person feel good more of the time. The way to change feelings is to change behavior.


The strange thing about anxiety and fear is that those feelings just get worse the more you try to get away from them. The goal of therapy is to experience the feelings in a controlled way so that you can regain control.