Arthur C. Houts, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
867 Washington Streets
Raleigh, NC 27605
(901) 289-4611

Publications /
Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology

Barclay, D. R., & Houts, A. C. (1995). The role of sleep problems in childhood enuresis. In C. E. Schaefer (Ed.), Clinical handbook of sleep disorders in children (pp. 223-252). New York: Jason Aronson, Inc.

Barclay, D. R., & Houts, A. C. (1995). Parenting skills: An analysis of training content. In W. T. O’Donohue and L. Krasner (Eds.), Handbook of skills training (pp. 195-228). New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Coplin, J. W., & Houts, A. C. (1991). Father involvement in parent training for oppositional child behavior: Progress or stagnation? Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 13, 29-51.

Emery, R. E., Binkoff, J., Houts, A. C., & Carr, E. G. (1983). Children as independent variables: Some clinical implications of child effects. Behavior Therapy, 14, 398-412.

Houts, A. C. (1982). Relaxation and thermal biofeedback treatment of migraine headache in children: A case study. American Journal of Clinical Biofeedback, 5, 154-157.

Houts, A. C. (1987). Children and enuresis. In A. Thomas & J. F. Grimes (Eds.), Children’s needs: Psychological perspectives (pp. 194-202). Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.

Houts, A. C. (1991). Childhood enuresis as a biobehavioral problem. Behavior Therapy, 22, 133-151.

Houts, A. C. (1996). Behavioral treatment of enuresis. The Clinical Psychologist, 49, 5-6.

Houts, A. C. (1995). Behavioural treatment for enuresis. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, Supplement 173, 83 - 87.

Houts, A. C. (2000). Commentary: Treatments for enuresis: Criteria, mechanisms, and health care policy. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 25, 219-224.

Houts, A. C. (2005). Full spectrum home training for simple bedwetting. In M. Hersen & A. M. Gross & R. S. Drabman, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of behavior modification and cognitive behavior therapy: Volume II Child clinical applications. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

Houts, A. C. (2003). Behavioral treatment for enuresis. In A. E. Kazdin & J. R. Weisz, (Eds), Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents (pp. 389-406) New York: Guilford.

Houts, A. C., & Abramson, H. (1990). Assessment and treatment for functional childhood enuresis and encopresis: Toward a partnership between health psychologists and physicians. In S. B. Morgan and T. M. Okwumabua (Eds.), Child and adolescent disorders: Developmental and health psychology perspectives (pp. 47-103). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Houts, A. C., Berman, J. S., & Abramson, H. (1994). The effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological treatments for nocturnal enuresis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 737-745.

Houts, A. C., & Liebert, R. M. (1984). Bed-wetting: A guide for parents and children. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.

Houts, A. C., Liebert, R. M., & Padawer, W. (1983). A delivery system for the treatment of primary enuresis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 11, 513-519.

*Digested In C. E. Schaefer, H. Millman, S. Sichel, & J. Riegelhaupt-Zwilling (Eds.), Therapies for children (vol. 2). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Houts, A. C., & Mellon, M. W. (1989). Home-based training for primary enuresis. In C. E. Schaefer & J. M. Briesmeister (Ed.), Handbook of parent training (pp. 60-79). New York: Wiley.

Houts, A. C., Mellon, M. W., & Whelan, J. P. (1988). Use of dietary fiber and stimulus control to treat retentive encopresis: A multiple baseline investigation. Pediatric Psychology, 13, 435-445.

Houts, A. C., & Peterson, J. K. (1986). Treatment of a retentive encopretic child using contingency management and diet modification with stimulus control. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 11, 375-383.

Houts, A. C., Peterson, J. K., & Liebert, R. M. (1984). The effect of prior imipramine treatment on the results of conditioning therapy in children with enuresis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 9, 505-509.

Houts, A. C., Peterson, J. K., & Whelan, J. P. (1986). Prevention of relapse in Full-Spectrum home training for primary enuresis: A components analysis. Behavior Therapy, 17, 462-469.

Houts, A. C., Shutty, M., & Emery, R. E. (1985). The impact of children on adults. In B. B. Lahey & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Advances in clinical child psychology, vol. 8 (pp. 267-307). New York: Plenum.

Houts, A. C., Whelan J. P., & Peterson J. K. (1987). Filmed vs. live delivery of full-spectrum home training for primary enuresis: Presenting the information is not enough. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 902-906. View PDF

Mellon, M. W., & Houts, A. C. (2007). Home-based training for primary enuresis. In C. E. Schaefer & J. M. Briesmeister (Ed.), Handbook of parent training: Helping parents prevent and solve problem behaviors (3rd Ed) (pp. 429--466). New York: Wiley.

Mellon, M. W., & Houts, A. C. (2006). Nocturnal enuresis. In J. E. Fisher & W. T. O’Dononue (Ed.), Practitioner’s guide to evidence-based psychotherapy (pp. 432--441). New York: Springer Science.

Mellon, M. W., & Houts, A. C. (1997). Home-based training for primary enuresis. In C. E. Schaefer & J. M. Briesmeister (Ed.), Handbook of parent training (2nd Ed) (pp. 60-79). New York: Wiley.

Mellon, M. W., & Houts, A. C. (1995). Elimination disorders. In R. T. Ammerman & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of child behavior therapy in the psychiatric setting (pp. 341-366). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Mellon, M. W., Houts, A. C., Lazar, L. F. (1996). Treatment of retentive encopresis with diet modification and scheduled toileting vs. mineral oil and rewards for toileting: A clinical decision. Ambulatory Child Health, 1, 214-222.

Pickering, D., Morgan, S. B., Houts, A. C., & Rodrigue, J. R. (1988). Acceptability of treatments for self-abuse: Do risk-benefit information and being a parent make a difference? Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 17, 209-216.

Scott, M. A., Barclay, D. R., & Houts, A. C. (1991). Childhood enuresis: Etiology, assessment, and current behavioral treatment. In M. Hersen, R. M. Eisler, & P. M. Miller (Eds.), Progress in behavior modification (pp. 83-117). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

Whelan, J. P., & Houts, A. C. (1990). Effects of a waking schedule on the outcome of primary enuretic children treated with Full-Spectrum Home Training. Health Psychology, 9, 164-176.